Un espacio que propone reflexionar sobre el urbanismo y la arquitectura en Euskadi.

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Woman architects in the Basque Country

Olatz Ocerin Ibáñez

Veronica Benedet



41 files of architects have been prepared that are outlined in the bibliography indicated in the previous section. The files collect some of the works built by these architects, a short biography where the year and place of graduation and association are indicated.

These files can be considered as the first result of a limited bibliographic emptying in which 41 architects who have built in the Basque Country and their works have been made visible, and which allows progress in the knowledge about female architects in the Basque Country. Despite the restricted and limited nature of the results obtained, their study, contextualization and critical reflection will allow the generation of the following research products: an oral and written communication at the V International Congress Architecture and Gender | ACTION to be held in April 2021; the teaching of a class in the Complementary Course of the ETS of Architecture “Archives of Architecture” in 2021.

Euskadi y patrimonio

``Most of the recognized architecture in Euskadi has been made by men and the few recognized female architects... ``

Fragmentos selecionados (VO): 


Ellas han sido opacadas y calladas por la cultura patriarcal imperante ocultando sus aportaciones como creadoras, directoras, ejecutoras,entre otras.

Esta invisibilización a fecha de hoy, sigue estando vigente, sobre todo en una disciplina como la de arquitectura, marcadamente masculina y elitista.


La mayor parte de la arquitectura de Euskadi reconocida, ha sido realizada por hombres y las pocas arquitectas reconocidas en estas publicaciones pasan desapercibidas tanto para la comunidad de la arquitectura como para el público en general. Las escasas referencias femeninas tanto para el alumnado como para las y los profesionales dejan en evidencia la problemática de esta invisibilización.

Olatz Ocerin Ibañez
