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Estaldura arinei inguruko ikerketa

José Miguel Rico

Gabriel Ruiz Mújica



Estaldura arinei aplikatutako diseinu eta modelizazio parametrikoaren inguruko ikerketa lanak. 

Lanak NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline ingelesezko sigletan) erabiliz modelatze parametrikoaren bidez hedatutako pieza metalikoa nola definitzen den azaltzen du.

Ikerketak analisi geometrikoen lanak 3D eskaneatze tekniken bidez xehetasunez azaltzen ditu, BTDF (ingelesez bidirectional transmittance distribution function) agindutako eguzki argiaren transmisioa kalkuluak erabiliz, lortutako emaitzak kudeatzeko lanak eta haien irudikapen grafikoak eta datuen interpretazioa. Sortutako akaberaren eta modeloen lodieraren analisi konparatiboak ere egiten dira. 

Lan honekin lortutako emaitza eta hobekuntzekin, Rhinoceros/Grasshopper EM 3D azken bertsioan eredua lortzen da. 3D eredu oro bezala, sortutako sareak aplikazio arruntetarako erabil daitezke: eraikin eredu oso baten parte gisa, errenderitzatzeko, eta ondorengo simulazioak egiteko: simulazio energetikoak, termikoak eta argiztapen simulazioak. Modelatze programa edo software edozeinetara esporta daiteke. 

Irisgarritasuna eta sistemak

``Moreover, thanks to parametric modeling, it is very easy to create as many samples as needed. ``

Fragmentos selecionados (VO): 


Any good design is parametrical, as it must have some premise for its shape. These premises can be related to the use, manufacture, geometry, etc. they are, after all, the determining factors of the design.


Because expanded metal is a product based on a repeated form, we must find the minimal unit of the form that is repeated in the space.



A NURB (Non Uniform Rational Basis Spline) is a mathematical manner of defining geometry created by CAD industries in the 70’s to unify in one standard the mathematical models to represent curves and free surfaces. They offer a unified representation of spline and conic geometries. They were developed starting from Bézier curves (defined by Pierre Bézier) and the mathematical work done by Paul de Faget de Casteljau in the early 60’s. 



One of the greatest advantages of computer modeling is that, both the performance and the luminous behavior of certain meshes can be compared before they are manufactured or installed in a facade. 


Moreover, thanks to parametric modeling, it is very easy to create as many samples as needed. After obtaining BSDF values for each mesh, their transmittance can be compared. 


As the possible comparisons are endless, the following features have been chosen as comparison criteria: mesh surface finish and strand width. These analyses serve, in a way, to validate the results of the process. Further tasks could be to compare samples with different shapes (rhomboidal, hexagonal, square), different orientations, other geometric variations, etc. 


One of the greatest advantages of computer modeling is that, both the performance and the luminous behavior of certain meshes can be compared before they are manufactured or installed in a facade. Moreover, thanks to parametric modeling, it is very easy to create as many samples as needed. 





José Miguel Rico
