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Measurements for hygrothermal analysis of buildings in the Autonomous Community of Basque in the 16th and 19th centuries

Lauren Etxepare

Matxalen Etxebarria 



It is a project based on the scientific characterization and measurement of buildings over the course of three years. A research study has been carried out on models corresponding to a specific period and type of construction in each historical territory of the Basque Autonomous Community. Three years, three territories and three types of construction have been selected. Therefore, the 2018-2019 period is only the first survey campaign, which will measure the passive hygrothermal behavior of the hamlets in Vizcaya during the 17th and 18th centuries.  

Therefore, starting with the first measurements of the farmhouses, it could be said that they form an appropriate set to investigate how the characteristics of the construction of the enclosures affect the internal environment, and it has been discovered how the comfort of the home has evolved over the centuries, giving way to the estimation of differences between them. 

For the first campaign, two farms were chosen Lea Ibarra, these are: Uritabarrenetxea (17th century) and Barrutieta (18th century) both located in Munitibar-Arbatzegi-Gerrikaitz. The first has the characteristics of a Renaissance building, while the second is Baroque. Therefore, although they correspond to a specific type of construction, their enclosure elements are in accordance with a specific technique and are lifted with certain materials (see Appendix). Thanks to the data obtained from the measurements, they can be compared between them and with existing theoretical data. It is important to mention that two thermal zones of equal size, shape and orientation have been selected.


Until now, transmittance data have been collected from the enclosure walls (two façade points) and the interior (two rooms) of each of these sites. In addition, it will continue until September 2019. Because then it will be time to test the credibility of the results.   

Accessibility and systems

``Honen ondorioz, badago esaterik ondare diren eraikin-multzoen portaera higrotermikoa eta konfort maila datu errealen arabera aztertzea ekarpen aberasgarria litzatekeela, eta informazio lagungarria, azkenik, euren gaineko etorkizuneko esku-hartzeak egokiagoak eta neurrikoagoak izateko. ``

Fragmentos selecionados (VO): 


Orain artean Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko etxebizitzen inguruan garatutako lan teorikoak garatu badira ere [1, 2], datu errealen araberako neurketetan oinarritutakoak ez dira hain ugariak ezta aberatsak ere [3]. Izan ere, orain arteko simulazio gehienak, datu-funtsetatik eskuraturiko transmitantzia-balioetan oinarritu dira; ez ordea benetako saiakuntza-balioetan. Hala, eskuraturiko benetako datuetatik abiatuta, ordenagailu bidezko simulazio energetikoei esker, eraikinen portaera higrotermiko erreala osotasunean aztertzeko aukera legoke, soilik eredu teorikoetan oinarritutako kalkuluen emaitzak baino simulazio edota fidagarriagoak eskuratuz. Beraz, lan teorikoa jantzi, doitu eta osatuko lukete neurketek. 


Honen ondorioz, badago esaterik ondare diren eraikin-multzoen portaera higrotermikoa eta konfort maila datu errealen arabera aztertzea ekarpen aberasgarria litzatekeela, eta informazio lagungarria, azkenik, euren gaineko etorkizuneko esku-hartzeak egokiagoak eta neurrikoagoak izateko. 


Berpizkunde garaiko baserrien eredu garbia da, bere fatxada nagusiaren konposizioaren adierazgarri diren haritzezko zutabe osoek islatzen duten bezala. Hala ere, garai desberdinetako esku-hartzeen ondorio ere badela baieztatu daiteke. Gaur egunean XX.mendean egindako zabalkuntza baten ondorioz L formako oin planta badu ere, jatorrizkoa laukizuzena zen, bere luzetarako ardatza hego-ekialde ipar-mendebalde norabidearekin bat etorriz. Era berean, atartearen simetria apurtzen, beronen erdia itxi zen eta zentratu gabe dagoela dirudi. 

Contactar sobre este proyecto con:

Lauren Etxepare


Accessibility and systems

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Universal accessibility, industrialized construction, virtual modernization, new systems and materials for sustainable construction