Eneko j. Uranga
Iñigo J. Leon
Maialen Sagarna
Leire Azcona
Lauren Etxeparte
Iñigo Lizundia
Itziar Rodriguez
Juan Pedro Otaduy
The objective of this project is the progressive implementation of the BIM methodology in the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture, and specifically, in this third phase corresponding to the year 2020 a study has begun to be carried out on which subjects can be key when establishing a journey through the 5 courses that the Degree lasts. It must be taken into account that the current Curriculum includes some contents per subject that should not be replaced in any case by the implementation of this new methodology. Furthermore, the BIM method must be incorporated into the contents of the subjects where it is considered appropriate to implement them. For this, three analyzes have been developed that help to better understand the reality of the Degree and the relationship it may have with the BIM methodology:
Analysis and comparison of BIM competencies with those existing in the Degree.
Analysis of key subjects that can develop BIM skills.
Analysis of the necessary human resources that can allow the implementation.